Time period/Baraboo: 1990’s to present
Submitted by: Mary Ferrell-Stieve and others
Bill has created People Helping People to reach out to a troubled and vulnerable population and give them the skills they need to begin a new life. Not only the technical skills he teaches in the PHP shop, but also the life skills he teaches through prayer, example and coaching. His work in Baraboo as a social program director, humanitarian, religious leader, and mentor would be enough to merit a place on the mural, but beyond these accomplishments, Bill’s wide smile, friendly and welcoming personality and his infections laugh make him an example of what we want Baraboo to be.
Yvette Harris
Time period: 1990’s to present
Submitted by: Ed Silberstein and others
They say behind every successful person there is a strong, well-organized, hard working person. In Bill Harris’s case the person is his lovely wife, Yvette. She keeps Bill stepping lively yet does so with a smile and warm heart. Yvette also works at St. Vincent de Paul so she can help more people that have needs. There are so many more wonderful things she and Bill do on a daily basis that would fill a page or more. This is why they should be on the Baraboo wall of fame.