Walt Smith
Time period/Baraboo: 1976 – 2016
Sponsored by: Baraboo Kiwanis Club
Walt moved his family to Baraboo in 1976 and worked accounting for a local industry. In 1983 he started his own CPA firm which he ran until his death in 2016. During his years in Baraboo Walt was very involved in the Baraboo Kiwanis Club and served in all leadership capacities and was very active until the time of his death, having been a Kiwanian for 44 years.
Walt was always very supporting of Baraboo and served many organizations, including:
Member and President, Baraboo School Board
Director of Downtown Baraboo, Inc
Chairman of the Baraboo Zoning Board of Appeals for over 15 years
Chairman of the Finance Committee and Past President of the Baraboo Scholarship Corp.
Lector and Commentator of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
President of Wisconsin Professional Speakers Association
Past President and District Officer of Toastmasters
Member of the Ad Hoc Faculty of University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business
Member of Citizens Police Academy Alumni
Chairman of Business Development Committee for Baraboo Improvement District
Co-Founder and Co-President of Baraboo Athletic Booster Club
VP and Director of National Conference for CPA Practitioners
VP of the Management and Practice Committee and VP of the Ethics Committee (what group?)
Ambassador of the Baraboo Chamber of Commerce for over 25 years
Served on the Board of the Boys and Girls Club of Baraboo/Sauk County
Above and beyond all of this, Walt was very supportive of all veterans organizations his whole life and was a veteran of the Korean Conflict.
Walt was Chairman and Sponsor of the “Walt Smith Charity Golf Outing” which took place for over 13 years which along with other events he organized have raised over $250,000 for local organizations and charities including Boys and Girls Club, Sauk County Crime Stoppers, Citizens Police Academy and People Helping People. Walt has generously supported every major cause in the Baraboo Area
Walt has always been extremely interested in law enforcement. His efforts and leadership led to the founding of the Sauk County Crime Stoppers Organization where he was President and leader for 15 years.
Walt was also the author of two books which were very successful and well recognized.
Walt was a leader, friend and mentor and an inspiration to all that knew him.