Dean Steinhorst
Time period/Baraboo: 1963 - 2012
Submitted by: Laurie Berning
Dean D. Steinhorst was the Mayor of Baraboo from 1992-2004, the second longest tenure in the city’s history. He began his service to the Baraboo community in 1982, serving on the Parks and Recreation Committee and the Plan Commission. He was then elected to the city council as the 2nd District Alderperson, later becoming City Council President. In 1992, he was elected Mayor of the City of Baraboo. Throughout his tenure he served on a variety of committees at the city, county and state levels.
During his 32-year career with the federal Soil Conservation Service, Dean worked with landowners on environmental problems and concerns. Evidence of his work can be seen throughout the hills and valleys of Sauk County. His experience and expertise in conservation mad him an advocate of both progress and preservation.
While mayor, he over saw city government during a time of significant growth and expansion. His fingerprint can be seen on many areas of the city, including retail, industrial, residential, and recreational. In 1999 he proudly dedicated the first phase of the Baraboo Riverwalk a project that had been part of the city’s master plan since 1992. He was the first person to publicly support that the removal of the Baraboo River dams within the city would improve water quality. This has been proven true by the large number of people who have found the river again, using it for a multitude of recreational activities. The Baraboo River runs free once more. In appreciation for his contributions to the city, a park was named in his honor, the Dean D. Steinhorst Park.
Mayor Steinhorst loved Baraboo and its people. He took pride in its beauty, accomplishments, friendliness, and forward thinking. He felt its strong sense of community made Baraboo a great place to live, work, and play. Dean’s brushstrokes on the canvas of Baraboo will be visible to generations to come.
“If today’s Baraboo were a picture painted by its former leaders, Dean Steinhorst would be considered a lead artist.” Tim Damos